Monday, August 1, 2011

Permaculture in action: Updates from Sirius week two

By Mark Scialla

Workday at UMass Permaculture Garden
This post is over due. Apologies for the tardiness as my week has been unusually busy, and I needed to take advantage of a much needed day off yesterday after our massive eco-village pizza party the night before. Here I am though, back on the grind and head first into our final design stages for our client's site.

So much has happened in the past week that it would take more than one blog post to share it all. So instead, I am going to share what I found to be the most interesting things I've seen and done so far.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Regenerating a planet: updates from Sirius

Sirius Community Center
By Mark Scialla

Tonight marks the end of Week One of the Permaculture Design Course I am attending at Sirius Community in Western Massachusetts. The week progressed so fast, and each day is packed with so much information. I thought I'd give you all a quick recap of my week here that includes some of the things I've learned and what this means for the projects in the park.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How to Tame and Protect Your Tomatoes From Late Blight

By Kelly McKeon and Mark Scialla

Late blight on potato leaves /
Although the threat of frost and early blight is behind us, the dreaded late blight looms close to our region. Late blight, affecting tomatoes and potatoes, has been confirmed in Delaware, Virginia and on five farms in Long Island, NY. 

Late blight is the more ferocious cousin of early blight, the latter affecting leaves and fruit. Early blight can be controlled if spotted early, saving the life of the affected plant. Conversely, late blight is a very serious pathogen that causes blight, which kills tomato and potato plants. Late blight has been known to affect other members of the Solanaceae –nightshade- family, such as tomatillos and eggplant.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dear Mark: yellow leaves, finicky plants and soil

Hey everyone. Thanks for all the emails and comments. This site is new and already experiencing lots of activity. I'm sorting through the questions and will post as soon as I can.

Here is a question from Brenda who is having trouble with her plants. This is a good topic for discussion because some of us are experiencing the same problems.
I have a question on my garden soil. My plants are just not growing this year. They also have many yellow leaves on the bottom. My broccoli all sprouted with yellow flowers before they came to a nice big head. Also can you send me a listworkshops on gardening? - Brenda 
 Thanks for the question Brenda. You are not the only gardener experiencing slow growth this season. The problem has less to do with soil and more to do with the weather.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Send us Your Garden Questions!

Have garden questions? A problem with your plant and don't know what's wrong? Are you looking for a new method for your garden or have a question about a certain product or practice? 

Don't fret!

Kelly McKeon looks for answers / Becky Brooke

We have answers for you. 

Send me your garden questions or photos of the pest and disease that plagues your plants and I will consult our trained team of Master Gardeners at the University of Rhode Island and publish your answer on the blog.

Send your questions, stories and pictures to We are also looking for guest posts.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Purslane: Pest or Prize?

Post by Mark Scialla 
 I’ve wanted to post about purslane for awhile because many gardeners pull purslane from their gardens wantonly, in ignorance of what this prolific plant has to offer in taste and nutrition. 
Becky Brooke

Grilled Summer Squash

Posted by Mark Scialla
Squash has got to be my favorite summer veggie to grow and eat. Squash takes such little maintenance, and yet yields an abundant harvest all summer long. The bushy plant should keep you well fed.

Around the World in 100 Miles

Posted by Melissa Guillet
Just added the RWP blog to my site list.  Readers may also enjoy which features articles on IPM, sustainable living, and many world cuisine recipes using local ingredients.  A cookbook is forthcoming in 2012 from Sacred Fools Press.

As the Garden Grows...

Posted by Mark Scialla
Welcome friends and gardeners. This blog is meant to spread news about the new Roger Williams Park Community Garden. It will not only give readers insight as to what happens in the garden, but it will also provide the precipice from which we will leap into garden and environmental topics for discussion. As we post photographs of the garden, event notices, recipes, and garden tips, we hope your comments and blog posts will turn this blog into a lively discussion that all readers can benefit from.
Becky Brooke
Stand by.